Bombs Away!
Today was pretty awesome. Mom, Meg and I went to Thaden Field in Bentonville to see a WWII era A-26 Invader light bomber land. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing but it turned out to be super fun. Meg took the D300 along with the AF 50 1.8 and a 28mm 2,5. I took her AE-1 and shot a roll of HP5 and a roll of Kodak Ultra. Sadly the HP5 got jammed and I think I lost most of the roll. Hopefully the Kodak turns out better. The A-26 was super cool to see in person. Unlike at a lot of airshows they let us get up close and even touch the old bird. The crew are super awesome guys. They just returned from 2 months in Europe, flying for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. I gotta say flying to Europe in an old plane has always been on my bucket list but now its even higher up there!