What’s in a name?

It took me quite a while to decide on a name for this site. For years I have used BeigeUnicorns for gaming and dossin_about for media.. Neither one quite fit what I want this site to be. I do not want to pigeon hole this site early to just be for my photography. I don’t know what the future holds and I want a site that can grow with me. This site should also be able to host others works too as needed. So I set out to find a new name. This actually turned into quite the dilemma. As any one that has tried to register a domain in the last 20 years knows all the good site names are taken. I knew from the beginning I wanted a .com not a .space or .us. I needed something simple and easy to remember. One option that I gave a lot of thought to was dossphos.com. Doss for obvious reasons and phos being that Latin for light and the base for photography. Its a fun name to say but its not clear right away how to spell it. OZanalog and 479phos were also both contenders but I didn’t want the site to get tied down to a geographic location. Arkansas is a bit of a mess and while I love Bentonville I am not set on staying here forever. I cant remember who suggested it originally but there was an old nickname for my immediate family in the early days of the internet and that LazyD. The more I thought about it the more I liked the sound. Its easy to spell and easy to remember. Simple kind of like me.

Welcome once again to LazyD media!


Bombs Away!


A fresh start.