The Death of a Nation
So this is it.
After 30 years on this earth living in a stable Republic, I find myself at the end. America has failed. Democracy has failed, Human decency has failed. Dramatic? I don’t think so. America had 2 choices, neither were good choices but America overwhelmingly chose the greater of 2 evils. They chose a twice impeached, convicted felon, that has publicly proclaimed his intention to be a dictator. A man that has time and time and time again been caught in lies. A man that dehumanizes anyone that is a white cis male that is 100% blindly loyal to him. We are screwed.
Now where does this leave me? It would be so easy to fall inline to conform. I am a white cis male protestant. I check all the boxes. I have a great job. I have a loving family. It would be so easy to give in and comply. My extended family almost certainly will comply. The people living around me overwhelmingly voted for the dictator.
But I can’t. I won’t.
I will NOT abandon my LGBT friends to persecution.
I will NOT sit silently while women are striped of their right and dignity
I will NOT watch as innocent immigrants are rounded up like cattle to satisfy the hatred of the right.
I will NOT bow to a dictator.
I will NOT tip my hat or turn the other cheek to fascism.
I will stand my ground. I will be firm. I will protest. I will stand by those that are oppressed.
And yes if necessary though I pray it never is, I will fight and if necessary die.
Bombs Away!
Today was pretty awesome. Mom, Meg and I went to Thaden Field in Bentonville to see a WWII era A-26 Invader light bomber land. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing but it turned out to be super fun. Meg took the D300 along with the AF 50 1.8 and a 28mm 2,5. I took her AE-1 and shot a roll of HP5 and a roll of Kodak Ultra. Sadly the HP5 got jammed and I think I lost most of the roll. Hopefully the Kodak turns out better. The A-26 was super cool to see in person. Unlike at a lot of airshows they let us get up close and even touch the old bird. The crew are super awesome guys. They just returned from 2 months in Europe, flying for the 80th anniversary of D-Day. I gotta say flying to Europe in an old plane has always been on my bucket list but now its even higher up there!
What’s in a name?
It took me quite a while to decide on a name for this site. For years I have used BeigeUnicorns for gaming and dossin_about for media.. Neither one quite fit what I want this site to be. I do not want to pigeon hole this site early to just be for my photography. I don’t know what the future holds and I want a site that can grow with me. This site should also be able to host others works too as needed. So I set out to find a new name. This actually turned into quite the dilemma. As any one that has tried to register a domain in the last 20 years knows all the good site names are taken. I knew from the beginning I wanted a .com not a .space or .us. I needed something simple and easy to remember. One option that I gave a lot of thought to was Doss for obvious reasons and phos being that Latin for light and the base for photography. Its a fun name to say but its not clear right away how to spell it. OZanalog and 479phos were also both contenders but I didn’t want the site to get tied down to a geographic location. Arkansas is a bit of a mess and while I love Bentonville I am not set on staying here forever. I cant remember who suggested it originally but there was an old nickname for my immediate family in the early days of the internet and that LazyD. The more I thought about it the more I liked the sound. Its easy to spell and easy to remember. Simple kind of like me.
Welcome once again to LazyD media!
A fresh start.
So this has been a LONG time in the making. I have grown tired of mainstream social media. For years Instagram was my primary place to post my work, however in recent years I have watched the site crumble around me. Meta was never content with Instagram just being a place to share photos, to them it was the site to incubate new ways to push media out. In 2016 we saw stories their attempt to clone snap chat and its honestly gone down hill from there. Every time I post new work to Instagram I am immediately swarmed with Russian bots and pages offering to ‘boost’ my content (for a modest fee of course). This was fine for a time, I didn’t post all that often and scrolled through the feed even less. Then in 2023 I left work after a mental health breakdown and found myself diving back into photography in a big way. I met some new incredible people in a local photo chat I was invited to join. Being around other people who are as passionate about the art and the gear of photography convinced me to buy a used D300 and start shooting again. I recently started a new job and the time seemed perfect to make a fresh start on a platform I control. So here we go. Welcome to!
Vlogs coming Soon!
Showing off my adventures from prepping for a shoot to thrifting for old gear. Stay tuned.